
Thursday, 20 March 2014

U.S. senator accused of pressuring health insurance bureaucrats to lie

In yet another accusation of government corruption and deceit connected with President Barack Obama's so-called signature legislation dubbed Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), a U.S. senator pressured bean-counters in his state to be footloose and fancy free with the numbers of Americans losing their health insurance in his state, according to a disturbing investigative report by Sarah Hurtubise in Wednesday's Daily Caller.

Emails obtained by Hurtubise reveal that incumbent Senator Mark Udall, D-Colo., repeatedly harassed and intimidated staff members at the Colorado Department of Insurance to fabricate the numbers released to the American people about health care insurance plans that were canceled in his state due to ObamaCare.

Sen. Udall is expected to face a serious challenge in November for his senate seat mostly because of his enthusiasm for passing Obamacare in 2010 in spite of being warned about the new law's consequences for tens of millions of American citizens.

According to the Daily Caller, the Colorado Department of Insurance had calculated that 250,000 Colorado residents had their health insurance plans canceled because of ObamaCare and Senator Udall allegedly suspected that if the real numbers were promulgated to the media and to Colorado voters it would cause him and his campaign embarrassment.

"Such dismal numbers would fester into a major embarrassment to President Barack Obama and a possible death blow to his reelection as a liberal senator. Udall's Senate seat is already in jeopardy because of his voting record and his reputation as a party hack and Obama yes man," political strategist Mike Baker.

"If the allegations against Udall are true, and he attempted to defraud the American people, then reelection to the U.S. Senate will be the least of his problems. He should face fraud charges and would if he weren't a Democrat senator," added Baker.

The senator's staff attempted to strong-arm the Department of Insurance into lowering the released numbers of insurance cancellations by up to 70%, according to the

"We will never know how many policies were canceled, nor will we find out the truth about enrollments, how many have actually paid. Just as we'll never find out the true cost to citizens for this failed health care insurance. But they will continue to lie, continue to take the money and then someday we'll find out that the government insurance isn't what we were told [because] they'll deny paying for health coverage of people they feel unworthy or too old," conservative commentator Chico Escuela.

Source Examiner

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