
Friday, 30 May 2014

Insurance fraud worth £3.5m uncovered every day, figures show

ABI says £1.3bn of fraudulent claims were made last year, with bogus motor claims being the most expensive and common


Insurers have exposed a record £1.3bn worth of fraudulent claims last year as the industry stepped up its war on cheats.

The amount, released by the Association of British Insurers (ABI), marks an 18% rise in value on 2012 and equates to £3.5m worth of insurance frauds being uncovered every day.

The ABI said there had also been a "significant" increase in people phoning up to report suspected fraudsters, indicating a growing acknowledgement that this was not a "victimless" crime.

In 2013, 118,500 bogus or exaggerated insurance claims were detected – more than 2,000 a week.

Fraudulent motor insurance claims were the most expensive and common to be exposed, with 59,900 dishonest claims worth £811m detected last year.

While there was a small fall in the number of detected frauds, their value had increased. The average fraud detected across all types of insurance products was worth £10,813.

The ABI said various industry initiatives were helping to "turn the screw on cheats". The Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB) was created in 2006 by the industry to tackle organised cross-industry insurance scams.

The IFB is supporting police forces and insurers across the UK to investigate 110 "crash for cash" scams where motor accidents were deliberately staged, which on their own represent approximately £120m of financial exposure to insurers.

Investigations by the Insurance Fraud Enforcement Department, an ABI-funded dedicated specialist unit of the City of London police, have so far led to 470 arrests and 85 prosecutions since it was set up in 2011.

The ABI also said calls from members of the public reporting suspected insurance frauds into the IFB's "cheatline" rose by 32% to 6,060 in 2013 compared with the previous year.

A spokesman for the ABI said there appeared to be a "growing acknowledgement that (insurance fraud) is not a victimless crime, it's affecting people in their pocket".

He also pointed out that staged car accidents carried a safety risk to innocent members of the public. Sometimes, fraudsters would deliberately slam their brakes on so that an innocent motorist would hit them from behind, or they would flash their headlights to pretend that they were going to let a driver out of a junction and then deliberately hit them.

The rise in the average value of insurance scams could be seen as a reflection of the high-end nature of frauds by organised gangs that were increasingly being uncovered, the ABI said.

Since 2007 the value of dishonest general insurance claims being uncovered has more than doubled, with the number detected increasing by 30% during the same period.

Fraud is estimated to add up to £90 to the cost of everyone's general insurance policies.

Aidan Kerr, the ABI's assistant director, head of fraud, said: "The message is clear: never has it been harder to get away with committing insurance fraud; never have the penalties – ranging from a custodial sentence and a criminal record to difficulties in obtaining financial products in the future – been so severe."

The ABI said some recent examples of cheats being exposed included:

• Sixty people, including seven members of the same family, being convicted of a crash-for-cash staged accident fraud which involved more than £514,000 being claimed from 25 vehicle crashes alone

• A professional golfer who claimed £8,000 on his income protection policy for a knee injury that he said left him unable to work, but was caught on camera giving golf lessons. He was ordered to do 140 hours unpaid community work

• A woman was jailed for 22 months following a series of invented street robberies for items including laptops and designer clothes

• A vet was jailed for two years for inventing veterinary claims totalling nearly £200,000 for treating non-existent pets.

One insurer, AA Insurance, said that it identifies more than 100 attempts at fraud every week.

Simon Douglas, director of AA Insurance said: "These figures are encouraging because they reflect the growing success of the insurance industry in the war against fraud, rather than more fraud taking place."

He said: "This should send a strong signal to anyone thinking of trying it on.

"While you might not end up in prison, if an insurer finds that you have attempted to falsify a claim you'll find it difficult to obtain insurance cover in the future. Insurers don't like dishonest customers."


1 comment:

  1. Six (6) Common Types of Insurance Fraud to Watch Out For
    Insurance fraud is act committed to defraud an insurance process. Here are most common forms insurance fraud takes: 1 Faked Death Fraud 2. Inflation Fraud

    Read More @ Six (6) Common Types of Insurance Fraud to Watch Out For
