
Monday, 26 May 2014

SSP hosts insurance technology user conference

SSP, a global provider of insurance technology, recently hosted its African Pure Insurance user conference in Kampala.

Rhys Collins, SSP Head of African Operations , Stephen Ross, Product Manager, SSP Limited, UK; John Kamau , S4i Account & Services Manager, SSP Africa; attended the conference, which comprised 33 delegates from ten SSP customers representing eight countries throughout Africa.

As well as the usual closed door session and election of the new chairman, the conference provided progress against a number of items proposed at the previous conference as well as some excellent feedback on collaboration opportunities with SSP. Presentations included SSP’s Pure Insurance Roadmap, e5 Workflow and SSP Support Services. The highlights were a well-timed thought leadership piece on Digital Insurance (a comparison of Digital trends between UK & Europe and Africa) , which generated an interesting and lengthy debate and a case study review of one Insurance company’s experience of the benefits of SSP’s Pure Insurance software.

The chairman for 2013/2014, Newton Jazire, the Managing Director of Lion Assurance Insurance Company, was retained by unanimous vote for the 2014/2015 year.

"The conference was a resounding success and a great opportunity to network and discuss key challenges and opportunities with our clients. We have had very positive feedback from our customers about the value of these forums and we plan to continue to enhance them into the future – it’s just another way we can add value for our customer base," concludes Collins. The conference venue for 2015 will be Swaziland.

Source BiztechAfrica

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