
Sunday, 11 November 2012

Insurance industry to get directory

Insurance industry to get directory
Chuks Udo Okonta

Insurance industry would soon get a directory to boost the ongoing insurance awareness campaign.
The Insurance Directory Project, a baby of Inspenonline, has been endorsed by the insurance regulator, National Insurance Commission, and all the trade groups in the industry - Nigerian Insurers Association (NIA), Nigerian Council of Registered Insurance Brokers (NCRIB) and the Chartered Insurance Institute of Nigeria (CIIN).
The Editor of Inspenonline, Mr Chuks Udo Okonta, said the process of producing the directory has commenced, and collection of relevant data from operators and ancillary professionals in the industry.
He said the project has become necessary due to the depth of awareness about insurance operations in the country. He noted that the project when completed would bring insurance closed to the public and help stem the rate of fake insurances which often occur due to inadequate knowledge of locations and names of organisations operating in the industry.
He noted that a recent study conducted by GIZ, a German agency for sustainable development and Riskguard-Africa Limited has revealed that less than 15 insurance companies operating in Nigeria are known by the public. He said the study, also showed that the present of insurance Brokers is complete absence in 12 out of 36 states of the country.
He said: “The Directory will contain the profile and contacts of NAICOM, NIA, CIIN, NCRIB, Institute of Loss Adjusters of Nigeria (ILAN), Insurance Companies, Brokering Companies, Loss Adjusting Companies, Risk Surveyors Association of Nigeria (RISAN) and Risk Surveyors.
“This project has become necessary due to the low level of insurance awareness in the country. The project would help the public to access with ease contacts information of the various arms of the industry.
“Aligning with the Nigerian Insurance Industry Database (NIID) project, we hope to produce soft copy of the Directory which would be hoisted on the web-site of NAICOM, NIA, NCRIB, CIIN, RISAN and ILAN. This we believe would enable the public to access with ease the industry’s profile and data online.”
The Project Consultant, Mr Nnamdi Duru, said the project would benefit operators as their services would be brought closed to the public who in time past have been defrauded by fake operators due to inadequate  information of registered operators in the industry.  

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