
Sunday, 11 November 2012

Pension Funds and Long Term Financing: The CPS and Economic Development in Nigeria

Pension Funds and Long Term Financing: The CPS and Economic Development in Nigeria
By M. K. Ahmad Director GeneralNational Pension Commission
……ensuring your comfort after retirement
Pension Reform: The Journey So Far
Global Overview
Importance of Long Term Assets
Impact of Long Term Assets on Economic Development
Ways Forward
Pension Reform: The Journey So Far
o   Established Legal and Institutional Framework
       Established Supervisory Framework
o   Risk Based Supervision
o   Daily and monthly review of investment valuation reports
       20 Pension Fund Administrators (PFAs), 7 Closed Pension Fund Administrators (CPFAs) and 4 Pension Fund Custodians (PFCs)
       5.32million registered contributors  from 180,586 employers as at October 2012
       55,904 retirees, currently receiving their monthly pensions as and when due
The Journey So Far: Comparative Analysis
Global Overview
Global trend in shift to funded pension systems
Defined Benefits had remained expensive and unsustainable due to aging population and lower support ratio
Pension assets of OECD 34 countries in 2010 amounted to US$19.24trillion, with USA having about US$10.59trillion
Pension Assets as % of GDP in 2010: Nigeria (7%), Chile (67%), Mexico (13%), Russia (3%), Brazil (0.1%), Netherlands (135%), UK (89%), USA (73%)
Importance of Long Term  Assets
       Promotes and sustains Social Safety Net (disability benefits, retirements and death benefits)
       Ensures efficient allocation of resources to productive sectors
       Broadens the scope of economic activities, development of infrastructure, SMEs  that ensures sustainable growth
       Promotes capital formation
       Promotes better corporate governance
Impact of investment of Long Term Assets on Economic Development
       Increase in domestic savings and investments
       Development of the Capital Market
o   Increase in volume of intermediated funds, new products
o   Increase in level of trading, modernization of the market
o   Deepening of the capital market
o   Reduction in cost of capital
o   New Institutions
o   Facilitate the development of yield curve within the fixed income segment of the market
Impact of investment of Long Term Assets on Economic Development…cont’d
       Promotion of Strong Corporate Governance
o   Brought improved disclosure & protection of minority shareholders’ interests
o   Provide informed counterbalance to controlling shareholders in order to safeguard against the company’s Board and Management
o   Emergence of legal reforms & improvement of oversight on companies
o   Promote appointment of independent Directors on Boards of companies
o   Established conflict of interest redress mechanisms
o   Improved professionalization of financial intermediation
Impact of investment of Long Term Assets on Economic Development…cont’d
Pension funds act as intermediaries into a lot of financial assets, including corporate equities, government bonds, etc
Provide long term financial intermediation to the real sector through corporate debt instruments and through investment funds
In some jurisdictions, pension funds acquire long-term money market instruments issued by banks, allowing the banks to issue loans to the corporate clients with varying maturities
Impact of investment of Long Term Assets on Economic Development – Challenges
       Lack of appreciation of the opportunity provided by the pension industry
       Lack of adequate engagement of the business community
       Lack of public awareness and low financial literacy
       Relatively high transaction costs/charges coupled with longer approval processes for issuances
       Sustaining stable macroeconomic environment in terms of inflation, interest and exchange rates
       Short term investment horizon leading to higher allocation to high turnover vehicles resulting from aggressive return expectations from investors
       The banking sector dominates the financial system

Impact of investment of Long Term Assets on Economic Development – Challenges
       Dominating influence of Government Bonds, which are having a crowding out effect on non-government bonds, based on their relatively higher yields
       Paucity of supporting instruments/products and alternative assets
o   Although 35% of AUM has been allocated to Corporate Debts, only about 3% is currently placed
o   REITs is in its infancy – less that 7% of AUM is invested in real estate
o   No infrastructure bonds and Funds yet
o   Private Equity Funds, though in existence for long, but the market remains weak

Impact of investment of Long Term Assets on Economic Development – Challenges
       Institutional Investors are less active in promoting good corporate governance
       Barriers to Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure:
o   Lack of clarity on investment opportunities
o   Non-availability of investment instruments
o   Negative perception of risks in infrastructure investments
o   Lack of expertise in the infrastructure sector
o   Short-termism of investors
o   Lack of clear valuation of infrastructure projects
o   Lack of clear benchmarks
Ways Forward
General awareness campaigns particularly for the business community
Enhance regulatory and supervisory framework
Simplify and streamline processes for corporate debt issuance and approval
Fast track the enactment of the law to back securitization of assets
Provide sustainable and reasonable concessions on a holistic basis for infrastructure projects and investment funds
Ways Forward
Increased private sector participation in the key sectors of the economy through:
      • Full implementation of all necessary and critical reforms e.g. fiscal policy reform, financial sector reforms, tax reform, power reform, etc
      • Putting appropriate legal, regulatory and supervisory frameworks in place to support these reforms
Use carrot and stick approach to get some large corporate listed on the NSE
Institutional Investors should be active in promoting better corporate governance
Continuous capacity building
The banking sector is yet to effectively & efficiently finance the real sector of the economy, bridge the infrastructural gaps and provide affordable housing in Africa, due to the short term nature of its deposit liabilities and cost of funds
Stable, long term and relatively cheaper funds for sustainable economic development can only be effectively mobilized through the reforms in pension & capital market, supported by a healthy banking system
The Pension Reform has positively impacted on the Nigerian economy, and would continue to do so considering the rapid accumulation of funds
However, all stakeholders must:
    • Ensure the sustainability of the reform
    • Hold PenCom & Operators accountable
    • Promote wider compliance with the Pension Reform Act
Thank You

National Pension Commission
174 Adetokumbo Ademola Crescent
Wuse II – Abuja
+ 234 9 4610466 - 8

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