A vicar has been told her insurance could be void because she has put religious stickers on her car.
The Rev Wena Parry, 75, was warned that her declarations stating "Christ Must Be Saviour" could be regarded as "modifications" much like the spoilers associated with boy racers.
Age UK Insurance said it wouldn't have insured her if it had known about the messages on her Vauxhall Zafira.
The Rev Parry, of the Independent Congregational Church in Wales, said: "Every opportunity I have I want to tell people about Jesus. I reckon there must be at least a million people who have read the texts on my car and no one has had a problem with it."
She paid £120 to cover her car in messages "spreading the gospel".
Her insurance company became aware of the stickers after she made a claim when thieves damaged her car outside her home in Cymmer, near Port Talbot, South Wales.
The insurance company contacted her, saying she had 10 days to explain why she had not told it about the stickers and warned "the policy may be declared void".
Age UK denied that the threat to withdraw the policy had anything to do with religion.
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