Sunday, 9 March 2014

Kuwait - Court orders insurance firm to pay Egyptian KD 14,000 comp

The Commercial Court ordered an insurance company to pay an Egyptian expatriate a compensation of KD 14,000 for the injuries he sustained on various parts of his body due to the fall of an elevator in a company, which resulted in death of several workers and injuries to others. According to the case files, counsel to the Egyptian Lawyer Zaid Al-Qabas sued the insurance company demanding for compensation for the injuries his client sustained when the lift of a company fell.

Amedical report indicating the injuries was also submitted. Lawyer Al-Qabas stressed that the insurance company is responsible for his client's injuries because it was incharge of fixing and maintaining the lift and ensuring the safety of those using the lift. He added that the lift had a valid comprehensive insurance when the incident occurred, because of which the insurance company must take the full responsibility of compensating his client

Source Arab Times




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