Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Total Landlord Insurance takes neutral standpoint on London Assembly initiative

Reforms are desperately needed in an attempt to dispel London’s worst landlords, stated a member of the London Assembly in June.

The Assembly’s suggestions include changes to rent stability, the implementation of landlord registration as well as offering extended tenancies. Such changes would result in landlords having to register prior to establishing themselves in England’s capital, as well as larger fines for landlords breaching property guidelines.

Eddie Hooker of Total Landlord Insurance said: "It is apparent that a proportion of tenants have had to endure poor conditions when it comes to renting, and we’re pleased that reforms are being questioned in an effort to improve these circumstances.

"We work with reputable landlords every day and know from experience that the majority have extremely high standards. Our job is to help protect these fair landlords and keep them in business, so the entire country can benefit from a quality housing system."

The Assembly also suggested that homeless households within the private sector would be given tenancies lasting around two years – along with allowances made for families with children. Additionally, the Mayor is also planning a bid to stabilise rents in the hope of tackling increasing property costs.

London Assembly member Len Duvall commented: "We need urgent reforms for London’s private rented housing, many people are forced to live in poor quality housing and pay rapidly rising rents for the privilege.

"As housing demand continues to far outstrip supply, the Mayor needs to take action now to make the capital’s private rental sector fairer. Law-abiding landlords should have no issue with the Assembly’s recommendations. We need a package of measures to rent stabilisation, longer tenancies and landlord registration."

"Tenants have had year upon year of inflation-busting rent rises, this cannot continue. Everybody deserves good-quality accommodation and to feel secure in their home, especially the ever growing number of renters with children. Reforms to renting in London are important to ensure we don’t see a return to the Dickensian squalor of the past."

The neutral standpoint of Total Landlord Insurance on the Assembly’s recommendations represents its professionalism and reflective attitude to serious industry change. Over the years, the valuable insight and knowledge provided to landlords by the firm has made them one of the UK’s most trusted brokers in the country.

Source: SF Gate

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