Saturday, 15 February 2014

Getting employers out of the insurance business

Thanks to Paul Schlein for voicing something that seemed obvious to me ["Diagnosing the health law’s flaws," letters, Feb. 11]: A host of "problems" that various groups have with the Affordable Care Act could easily be dispensed with if we just decoupled health insurance from employment.

No one would have to worry about losing or changing insurance because he left a job, religious institutions would not have to worry about being required to provide health services to which they have moral objections and everyone could have equal access to affordable insurance. Issuing a mandate for every individual to purchase health insurance from a public exchange — or, dare I suggest, a government, Medicare-type option — would level the playing field and reinforce the conservative notion of "personal responsibility."

Subsidies still could be made available to those with low incomes. And all employers, whether small or large, could get out of the business of providing health insurance.

Source The Washington Post

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