Sarah Rundell
The single biggest problem for us is
high inflation and how to mitigate it.” Demola Sogunle
The offices of Nigeria’s biggest
pension fund manager sit at the end of a quiet side street on Victoria Island,
Lagos’s bustling financial capital. Inside Stanbic IBTC’s aptly named Wealth
House, indicative of Nigeria’s growing savings culture, a throng of customers
jostle to query staff on pension matters. Four flights up, 48-year-old chief
executive Demola Sogunle is just back from a whistle-stop tour to southern
Nigeria, where he is cajoling state governments to introduce a new defined
contribution pension scheme for their public sector employees.
It’s easy to see why Nigeria’s pension
sector could become one of the fastest growing in the world. In 2004
root-and-branch reform modeled on the pension systems of Mexico and Chile
introduced a compulsory defined contribution scheme for all public and private
sector employees. Twenty-odd pension fund administrators (PFAs) where set up to
manage the windfall as employees began to save 15 per cent of their monthly
salaries, including employer contributions. Nigeria’s defined contribution
assets have steadily grown to $20 billion, but are still only a fraction of
what the working population saves. As more people come on board, forecasts
predict total pension assets will grow by 30 per cent a year, making Nigeria’s
savings pot worth $75 billion by 2020.
Like other PFAs, investment strategy
at Stanbic IBTC, managed in house by a team of 14, is deliberately cautious to
preserve capital and keep Nigerians, with a reputation for eagle-eyed scrutiny
of their pension assets, saving. “Every contributor has their own personal
account and we find they check the value of their pension fund on a daily
basis. They don’t mind making money but they’ll ring you if you lose any,” says
Sogunle. Strategy is also guided by strict rules in a country where pension
funds can’t invest outside Nigeria without presidential approval.
As it is, Stanbic IBTC has one of the
largest equity exposures among its peers with 16 per cent of its $6 billion
assets under management invested in listed Nigerian equities. Other than this,
it has a 65-per-cent allocation to government bonds and a 10-per-cent
allocation to money markets with the balance in corporate bonds. The pension
manager saw annual returns of 15 per cent last year but Nigeria’s raging
inflation left an adjusted return of just 2 per cent. “The single biggest
problem for us is high inflation and how to mitigate it,” says Sogunle. Still
“uncomfortable with derivatives,” regulators prohibit any kind of hedging,
although he expects plain vanilla instruments will begin to emerge as Nigeria’s
regulator, the National Pensions Commission (PenCom), increasingly sees the
market “from the saver’s perspective.”
The battle with inflation is one of
the reasons Sogunle is enthused by new opportunities emerging in Nigerian
infrastructure, outlined in reforms in 2010. The government wants pension funds
to help finance roads, ports and power plants and is now pushing an asset class
that could be key to getting around the inflation hitch. Matching long-term
liabilities (60 per cent of IBTC’s contributors are below the age of 40) with
long-term assets without the punitive inflation hit from Nigeria’s federal
government bonds, yielding 16 per cent and effectively wiping out long-term
gains, is Sogunle’s biggest bugbear. He is looking at Macquarie’s Africa
Infrastructure Investment Fund, which has a sub-fund customised for Nigeria
PFAs. There is still no local infrastructure fund or infrastructure bond for
investors to buy into and, under the new rules, infrastructure investment is
limited to 20 per cent of a manager’s assets.
Stanbic IBTC is also exploring other
alternative asset classes including private equity, asset-backed securities and
real-estate investment trusts. It plans a 5-per-cent allocation to private
equity and is exploring opportunities with funds run by African Capital
Alliance and Aureos Capital. “They both have sub-funds that are compliant with
what Nigerian pension funds can do,” he says. Rules guiding private equity
investment stipulate that managers must invest in funds that have at least 75
per cent of their assets in Nigeria. It leaves a 25-per-cent window of exposure
to assets outside Nigeria in what could be pension funds’ first chance to tap
foreign markets.
Far from being frustrated by the
limited investment universe, Sogunle says it’s right that Nigeria’s pension
funds invest at home for now. “Every part of the Nigerian economy needs massive
investment. We get good returns and our liabilities are all in naira anyway.”
He also believes local investors are best positioned to benefit once Nigeria’s
equity market “takes off” – at the moment many of the biggest corporate names
in Nigeria aren’t listed on the exchange. He does acknowledge the buffeting of
foreign flows hitting the portfolio however, like when Nigeria was included in
JP Morgan’s benchmark emerging market debt index last year. “We see these flows
and we have to anticipate their impact.” It is why Stanbic IBTC run a mainly
passive strategy but swing into active mode during periods of volatility.
Defined contribution take-up in
Nigeria is still fraught with challenges. Under the constitution, the 36 states
that make up Nigeria’s federation are now responsible for introducing the new
scheme. The government reformed the system in 2004 but only six states have
signed up although 10 “are in the process” of doing so. Nor does the new
pension scheme tap Nigeria’s vast informal work force. Regulator PenCom
estimates that 60 per cent of Nigeria’s 80 million-strong working population is
actually in the informal sector; it is planning how best to draw these
potential savers into the scheme through attaching benefits to paying into
schemes and using technology such as mobile phones.
But for Sogunle all this just
represents opportunity. Pointing out that since reform in Mexico 15 years ago,
65 per cent of that population now save and pension assets have swollen to $140
billion, he believes Nigeria with its population of 162 million has only just
begun. “The savings culture is there – look at our banking deposits – what
we’ve achieved so far is just a drop in the ocean.”
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